Central Library - Supercrawl Temporary Road Closures
If you are planning to visit Central Library, please take into account the following temporary road closures and consider taking HSR or other forms of transit.
Thursday, September 12 at 7 pm until Monday, September 16 at 5 am: York Boulevard, Bay Street to Hughson Street
Thursday, September 12 at 1:30 am until Monday, September 16 at 5 am: James Street North, King Street to Strachan Street
Sherwood Branch - Parking Lot Access
Starting Thursday, September 5th, the rear parking lot at the Sherwood Branch will be closed due to repaving. Accessible parking spaces at the branch will be unavailable. Members may park at the neighboring plaza where spots are available during the closure.
The accessible ramp at the front of the branch (Upper Ottawa Street) and the drop box at the rear will both remain available.
Thank you for your patience.
Terryberry Branch: Open with Modified Hours During Construction
From September 3 - 15, the Terryberry Branch will be OPEN with modified service hours due to construction.
Monday - Thursday: 5 - 8 pm
Study Hall: 8 pm - Midnight (resumes September 3)
Friday, September 6 and 13: Closed
Saturday: 9 am - 5 pm
Sunday: 1 - 5 pm
Regular service hours return on Monday, September 16 as construction continues.
The parking lot, including accessible spots, will remain available.
Members may visit the Concession and Turner Park Branches as their next nearest locations for their library needs.
Spectator File S-1 1953-May 21, 1956
1953- May 21, 1956
1953 McMaster Convocation
March 1953 Massey. Governor General [at hydro]
June 1953 Queen's Coronation
[wire photos, Bishop Bagnall & Bishop Ryan, old prints, decorations for Queen, Niagara Falls]
June 2, 1953 Coronation Day Parade & Festivities
1954-1955 Misc. Negs
1954 or 1955 Editor's Conference
1955 Adam Beck Power Plant. Niagara Falls
1955 Askew Boat House Fire
1955 Dundurn Museum. Head of the Lake Hist. Soc. [Sept. 22, 1955]
1955? J. Diefenbaker in Hamilton
1955 Jordan Museum
1955 Midland Shrine
1955 Registry Office
July 1955 Army Negs
Sept. 9, 1955 Model Home Week
Oct. 11, 1955 Diesel Engines (by Bruce Murdoch)
Oct. 21, 1955 McMaster Convocation
Nov. 19, 1955 General Hospital - New Children's Wing. Interior
Nov. 26, 1955 Notre Dame Academy (Waterdown)
Dec. 21, 1955 Fire at York Street
1956 Ham. Lacrosse Club
1956 Shopping Centre Henry Morgans. Henry Morgan Store. The Centre
1956 Miss Canada Pageant
1956 National Ballet
Feb. 15, 1956 Pipeline Feature
April 16, 1956 Petawawa - Can. Guards
April 20-25, 1956 Kiwanis Music Festival Winners
May 9, 1956
May 7-8-9, 1956 Circulation Mgs. Conv.
May 21, 1956 McMaster Convocation