General Interest Events

In-Branch Program

Build, imagine and play with LEGO.

In-Branch Program

Build, imagine and play with LEGO.

In-Branch Program

Build, imagine and play with LEGO.

In-Branch Program

Build, imagine and play with LEGO.

In-Branch Program

Build, imagine and play with LEGO.

In-Branch Program

Build, imagine and play with LEGO.

In-Branch Program

Bring your plants, cuttings, seeds or bulbs to trade with other gardeners.

In-Branch Program

Bring your plants, cuttings, seeds or bulbs to trade with other gardeners.

In-Branch Program

Build, imagine and play with LEGO.

In-Branch Program

Connect and learn more about opportunities and resources available to youth in Hamilton.

In-Branch Program

Build, imagine and play with LEGO.

Information Table

Learn about Hamilton Urban Core Community Health Centre's programs and services for marginalized communities.

In-Branch Program

Colouring, it’s not just for kids.
Speak with Hamilton Urban Core staff about their community health services.
Learn how to manage your finances well in retirement years.

In-Branch Program

Gentle and slow stretching.

In-Branch Program

Knit for a cause and earn volunteer hours.

In-Branch Program

Knit for a cause and earn volunteer hours.

In-Branch Program

Build, imagine and play with LEGO.

In-Branch Program

Join a fun interactive program for adults with special needs.